Ratatui Logo
A fun example of using half blocks to render graphics.
git clone https://github.com/ratatui/ratatui.git --branch latestcd ratatuicargo run --example=ratatui-logo --features=crossterm
//! # [Ratatui] Logo example//!//! The latest version of this example is available in the [examples] folder in the repository.//!//! Please note that the examples are designed to be run against the `main` branch of the Github//! repository. This means that you may not be able to compile with the latest release version on//! crates.io, or the one that you have installed locally.//!//! See the [examples readme] for more information on finding examples that match the version of the//! library you are using.//!//! [Ratatui]: https://github.com/ratatui/ratatui//! [examples]: https://github.com/ratatui/ratatui/blob/main/examples//! [examples readme]: https://github.com/ratatui/ratatui/blob/main/examples/README.md
use std::env::args;
use color_eyre::Result;use crossterm::event::{self, Event};use ratatui::{ layout::{Constraint, Layout}, widgets::{RatatuiLogo, RatatuiLogoSize}, DefaultTerminal, TerminalOptions, Viewport,};
fn main() -> Result<()> { color_eyre::install()?; let terminal = ratatui::init_with_options(TerminalOptions { viewport: Viewport::Inline(3), }); let size = match args().nth(1).as_deref() { Some("small") => RatatuiLogoSize::Small, Some("tiny") => RatatuiLogoSize::Tiny, _ => RatatuiLogoSize::default(), }; let result = run(terminal, size); ratatui::restore(); println!(); result}
fn run(mut terminal: DefaultTerminal, size: RatatuiLogoSize) -> Result<()> { loop { terminal.draw(|frame| { use Constraint::{Fill, Length}; let [top, bottom] = Layout::vertical([Length(1), Fill(1)]).areas(frame.area()); frame.render_widget("Powered by", top); frame.render_widget(RatatuiLogo::new(size), bottom); })?; if matches!(event::read()?, Event::Key(_)) { break Ok(()); } }}