Constraint Explorer
The constraint explorer is a utility that can be used to work out the interaction between your constraints.
git clone --branch latestcd ratatuicargo run --example=constraint-explorer --features=crossterm
//! # [Ratatui] Constraint explorer example//!//! The latest version of this example is available in the [examples] folder in the repository.//!//! Please note that the examples are designed to be run against the `main` branch of the Github//! repository. This means that you may not be able to compile with the latest release version on//!, or the one that you have installed locally.//!//! See the [examples readme] for more information on finding examples that match the version of the//! library you are using.//!//! [Ratatui]:! [examples]:! [examples readme]:
use color_eyre::Result;use itertools::Itertools;use ratatui::{ buffer::Buffer, crossterm::event::{self, Event, KeyCode, KeyEventKind}, layout::{ Constraint::{self, Fill, Length, Max, Min, Percentage, Ratio}, Flex, Layout, Rect, }, style::{ palette::tailwind::{BLUE, SKY, SLATE, STONE}, Color, Style, Stylize, }, symbols::{self, line}, text::{Line, Span, Text}, widgets::{Block, Paragraph, Widget, Wrap}, DefaultTerminal,};use strum::{Display, EnumIter, FromRepr};
fn main() -> Result<()> { color_eyre::install()?; let terminal = ratatui::init(); let app_result = App::default().run(terminal); ratatui::restore(); app_result}
#[derive(Default)]struct App { mode: AppMode, spacing: u16, constraints: Vec<Constraint>, selected_index: usize, value: u16,}
#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]enum AppMode { #[default] Running, Quit,}
/// A variant of [`Constraint`] that can be rendered as a tab.#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, EnumIter, FromRepr, Display)]enum ConstraintName { #[default] Length, Percentage, Ratio, Min, Max, Fill,}
/// A widget that renders a [`Constraint`] as a block. E.g.:/// ```plain/// ┌──────────────┐/// │ Length(16) │/// │ 16px │/// └──────────────┘/// ```struct ConstraintBlock { constraint: Constraint, legend: bool, selected: bool,}
/// A widget that renders a spacer with a label indicating the width of the spacer. E.g.:////// ```plain/// ┌ ┐/// 8 px/// └ ┘/// ```struct SpacerBlock;
// App behaviourimpl App { fn run(mut self, mut terminal: DefaultTerminal) -> Result<()> { self.insert_test_defaults();
while self.is_running() { terminal.draw(|frame| frame.render_widget(&self, frame.area()))?; self.handle_events()?; } Ok(()) }
// TODO remove these - these are just for testing fn insert_test_defaults(&mut self) { self.constraints = vec![ Constraint::Length(20), Constraint::Length(20), Constraint::Length(20), ]; self.value = 20; }
fn is_running(&self) -> bool { self.mode == AppMode::Running }
fn handle_events(&mut self) -> Result<()> { match event::read()? { Event::Key(key) if key.kind == KeyEventKind::Press => match key.code { KeyCode::Char('q') | KeyCode::Esc => self.exit(), KeyCode::Char('1') => self.swap_constraint(ConstraintName::Min), KeyCode::Char('2') => self.swap_constraint(ConstraintName::Max), KeyCode::Char('3') => self.swap_constraint(ConstraintName::Length), KeyCode::Char('4') => self.swap_constraint(ConstraintName::Percentage), KeyCode::Char('5') => self.swap_constraint(ConstraintName::Ratio), KeyCode::Char('6') => self.swap_constraint(ConstraintName::Fill), KeyCode::Char('+') => self.increment_spacing(), KeyCode::Char('-') => self.decrement_spacing(), KeyCode::Char('x') => self.delete_block(), KeyCode::Char('a') => self.insert_block(), KeyCode::Char('k') | KeyCode::Up => self.increment_value(), KeyCode::Char('j') | KeyCode::Down => self.decrement_value(), KeyCode::Char('h') | KeyCode::Left => self.prev_block(), KeyCode::Char('l') | KeyCode::Right => self.next_block(), _ => {} }, _ => {} } Ok(()) }
fn increment_value(&mut self) { let Some(constraint) = self.constraints.get_mut(self.selected_index) else { return; }; match constraint { Constraint::Length(v) | Constraint::Min(v) | Constraint::Max(v) | Constraint::Fill(v) | Constraint::Percentage(v) => *v = v.saturating_add(1), Constraint::Ratio(_n, d) => *d = d.saturating_add(1), }; }
fn decrement_value(&mut self) { let Some(constraint) = self.constraints.get_mut(self.selected_index) else { return; }; match constraint { Constraint::Length(v) | Constraint::Min(v) | Constraint::Max(v) | Constraint::Fill(v) | Constraint::Percentage(v) => *v = v.saturating_sub(1), Constraint::Ratio(_n, d) => *d = d.saturating_sub(1), }; }
/// select the next block with wrap around fn next_block(&mut self) { if self.constraints.is_empty() { return; } let len = self.constraints.len(); self.selected_index = (self.selected_index + 1) % len; }
/// select the previous block with wrap around fn prev_block(&mut self) { if self.constraints.is_empty() { return; } let len = self.constraints.len(); self.selected_index = (self.selected_index + self.constraints.len() - 1) % len; }
/// delete the selected block fn delete_block(&mut self) { if self.constraints.is_empty() { return; } self.constraints.remove(self.selected_index); self.selected_index = self.selected_index.saturating_sub(1); }
/// insert a block after the selected block fn insert_block(&mut self) { let index = self .selected_index .saturating_add(1) .min(self.constraints.len()); let constraint = Constraint::Length(self.value); self.constraints.insert(index, constraint); self.selected_index = index; }
fn increment_spacing(&mut self) { self.spacing = self.spacing.saturating_add(1); }
fn decrement_spacing(&mut self) { self.spacing = self.spacing.saturating_sub(1); }
fn exit(&mut self) { self.mode = AppMode::Quit; }
fn swap_constraint(&mut self, name: ConstraintName) { if self.constraints.is_empty() { return; } let constraint = match name { ConstraintName::Length => Length(self.value), ConstraintName::Percentage => Percentage(self.value), ConstraintName::Min => Min(self.value), ConstraintName::Max => Max(self.value), ConstraintName::Fill => Fill(self.value), ConstraintName::Ratio => Ratio(1, u32::from(self.value) / 4), // for balance }; self.constraints[self.selected_index] = constraint; }}
impl From<Constraint> for ConstraintName { fn from(constraint: Constraint) -> Self { match constraint { Length(_) => Self::Length, Percentage(_) => Self::Percentage, Ratio(_, _) => Self::Ratio, Min(_) => Self::Min, Max(_) => Self::Max, Fill(_) => Self::Fill, } }}
impl Widget for &App { fn render(self, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { let [header_area, instructions_area, swap_legend_area, _, blocks_area] = Layout::vertical([ Length(2), // header Length(2), // instructions Length(1), // swap key legend Length(1), // gap Fill(1), // blocks ]) .areas(area);
App::header().render(header_area, buf); App::instructions().render(instructions_area, buf); App::swap_legend().render(swap_legend_area, buf); self.render_layout_blocks(blocks_area, buf); }}
// App renderingimpl App { const HEADER_COLOR: Color = SLATE.c200; const TEXT_COLOR: Color = SLATE.c400; const AXIS_COLOR: Color = SLATE.c500;
fn header() -> impl Widget { let text = "Constraint Explorer"; text.bold().fg(Self::HEADER_COLOR).into_centered_line() }
fn instructions() -> impl Widget { let text = "◄ ►: select, ▲ ▼: edit, 1-6: swap, a: add, x: delete, q: quit, + -: spacing"; Paragraph::new(text) .fg(Self::TEXT_COLOR) .centered() .wrap(Wrap { trim: false }) }
fn swap_legend() -> impl Widget { #[allow(unstable_name_collisions)] Paragraph::new( Line::from( [ ConstraintName::Min, ConstraintName::Max, ConstraintName::Length, ConstraintName::Percentage, ConstraintName::Ratio, ConstraintName::Fill, ] .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, name)| { format!(" {i}: {name} ", i = i + 1) .fg(SLATE.c200) .bg(name.color()) }) .intersperse(Span::from(" ")) .collect_vec(), ) .centered(), ) .wrap(Wrap { trim: false }) }
/// A bar like `<----- 80 px (gap: 2 px) ----->` /// /// Only shows the gap when spacing is not zero fn axis(&self, width: u16) -> impl Widget { let label = if self.spacing != 0 { format!("{} px (gap: {} px)", width, self.spacing) } else { format!("{width} px") }; let bar_width = width.saturating_sub(2) as usize; // we want to `<` and `>` at the ends let width_bar = format!("<{label:-^bar_width$}>"); Paragraph::new(width_bar).fg(Self::AXIS_COLOR).centered() }
fn render_layout_blocks(&self, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { let [user_constraints, area] = Layout::vertical([Length(3), Fill(1)]) .spacing(1) .areas(area);
self.render_user_constraints_legend(user_constraints, buf);
let [start, center, end, space_around, space_between] = Layout::vertical([Length(7); 5]).areas(area);
self.render_layout_block(Flex::Start, start, buf); self.render_layout_block(Flex::Center, center, buf); self.render_layout_block(Flex::End, end, buf); self.render_layout_block(Flex::SpaceAround, space_around, buf); self.render_layout_block(Flex::SpaceBetween, space_between, buf); }
fn render_user_constraints_legend(&self, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { let constraints = self.constraints.iter().map(|_| Constraint::Fill(1)); let blocks = Layout::horizontal(constraints).split(area);
for (i, (area, constraint)) in blocks.iter().zip(self.constraints.iter()).enumerate() { let selected = self.selected_index == i; ConstraintBlock::new(*constraint, selected, true).render(*area, buf); } }
fn render_layout_block(&self, flex: Flex, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { let [label_area, axis_area, blocks_area] = Layout::vertical([Length(1), Max(1), Length(4)]).areas(area);
if label_area.height > 0 { format!("Flex::{flex:?}").bold().render(label_area, buf); }
self.axis(area.width).render(axis_area, buf);
let (blocks, spacers) = Layout::horizontal(&self.constraints) .flex(flex) .spacing(self.spacing) .split_with_spacers(blocks_area);
for (i, (area, constraint)) in blocks.iter().zip(self.constraints.iter()).enumerate() { let selected = self.selected_index == i; ConstraintBlock::new(*constraint, selected, false).render(*area, buf); }
for area in spacers.iter() { SpacerBlock.render(*area, buf); } }}
impl Widget for ConstraintBlock { fn render(self, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { match area.height { 1 => self.render_1px(area, buf), 2 => self.render_2px(area, buf), _ => self.render_4px(area, buf), } }}
impl ConstraintBlock { const TEXT_COLOR: Color = SLATE.c200;
const fn new(constraint: Constraint, selected: bool, legend: bool) -> Self { Self { constraint, legend, selected, } }
fn label(&self, width: u16) -> String { let long_width = format!("{width} px"); let short_width = format!("{width}"); // border takes up 2 columns let available_space = width.saturating_sub(2) as usize; let width_label = if long_width.len() < available_space { long_width } else if short_width.len() < available_space { short_width } else { String::new() }; format!("{}\n{}", self.constraint, width_label) }
fn render_1px(&self, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { let lighter_color = ConstraintName::from(self.constraint).lighter_color(); let main_color = ConstraintName::from(self.constraint).color(); let selected_color = if self.selected { lighter_color } else { main_color }; Block::new() .fg(Self::TEXT_COLOR) .bg(selected_color) .render(area, buf); }
fn render_2px(&self, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { let lighter_color = ConstraintName::from(self.constraint).lighter_color(); let main_color = ConstraintName::from(self.constraint).color(); let selected_color = if self.selected { lighter_color } else { main_color }; Block::bordered() .border_set(symbols::border::QUADRANT_OUTSIDE) .border_style(Style::reset().fg(selected_color).reversed()) .render(area, buf); }
fn render_4px(&self, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { let lighter_color = ConstraintName::from(self.constraint).lighter_color(); let main_color = ConstraintName::from(self.constraint).color(); let selected_color = if self.selected { lighter_color } else { main_color }; let color = if self.legend { selected_color } else { main_color }; let label = self.label(area.width); let block = Block::bordered() .border_set(symbols::border::QUADRANT_OUTSIDE) .border_style(Style::reset().fg(color).reversed()) .fg(Self::TEXT_COLOR) .bg(color); Paragraph::new(label) .centered() .fg(Self::TEXT_COLOR) .bg(color) .block(block) .render(area, buf);
if !self.legend { let border_color = if self.selected { lighter_color } else { main_color }; if let Some(last_row) = area.rows().last() { buf.set_style(last_row, border_color); } } }}
impl Widget for SpacerBlock { fn render(self, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { match area.height { 1 => (), 2 => Self::render_2px(area, buf), 3 => Self::render_3px(area, buf), _ => Self::render_4px(area, buf), } }}
impl SpacerBlock { const TEXT_COLOR: Color = SLATE.c500; const BORDER_COLOR: Color = SLATE.c600;
/// A block with a corner borders fn block() -> impl Widget { let corners_only = symbols::border::Set { top_left: line::NORMAL.top_left, top_right: line::NORMAL.top_right, bottom_left: line::NORMAL.bottom_left, bottom_right: line::NORMAL.bottom_right, vertical_left: " ", vertical_right: " ", horizontal_top: " ", horizontal_bottom: " ", }; Block::bordered() .border_set(corners_only) .border_style(Self::BORDER_COLOR) }
/// A vertical line used if there is not enough space to render the block fn line() -> impl Widget { Paragraph::new(Text::from(vec![ Line::from(""), Line::from("│"), Line::from("│"), Line::from(""), ])) .style(Self::BORDER_COLOR) }
/// A label that says "Spacer" if there is enough space fn spacer_label(width: u16) -> impl Widget { let label = if width >= 6 { "Spacer" } else { "" }; label.fg(Self::TEXT_COLOR).into_centered_line() }
/// A label that says "8 px" if there is enough space fn label(width: u16) -> impl Widget { let long_label = format!("{width} px"); let short_label = format!("{width}"); let label = if long_label.len() < width as usize { long_label } else if short_label.len() < width as usize { short_label } else { String::new() }; Line::styled(label, Self::TEXT_COLOR).centered() }
fn render_2px(area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { if area.width > 1 { Self::block().render(area, buf); } else { Self::line().render(area, buf); } }
fn render_3px(area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { if area.width > 1 { Self::block().render(area, buf); } else { Self::line().render(area, buf); }
let row = area.rows().nth(1).unwrap_or_default(); Self::spacer_label(area.width).render(row, buf); }
fn render_4px(area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { if area.width > 1 { Self::block().render(area, buf); } else { Self::line().render(area, buf); }
let row = area.rows().nth(1).unwrap_or_default(); Self::spacer_label(area.width).render(row, buf);
let row = area.rows().nth(2).unwrap_or_default(); Self::label(area.width).render(row, buf); }}
impl ConstraintName { const fn color(self) -> Color { match self { Self::Length => SLATE.c700, Self::Percentage => SLATE.c800, Self::Ratio => SLATE.c900, Self::Fill => SLATE.c950, Self::Min => BLUE.c800, Self::Max => BLUE.c900, } }
const fn lighter_color(self) -> Color { match self { Self::Length => STONE.c500, Self::Percentage => STONE.c600, Self::Ratio => STONE.c700, Self::Fill => STONE.c800, Self::Min => SKY.c600, Self::Max => SKY.c700, } }}